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6 Month Coaching Package


6 months of individualized coaching for YOUR health goals. You'll learn how to love yourself and create space for yourself; have food freedom and enjoy foods you love as well as foods that nutritionally help you; enjoy movement rather than hating exercise; have support in your corner and so much more! 

Throughout these 6 months, you'll receive monthly 1:1 meetings with myself, Abby Mallard, a nutritionist and health educator; an online accountability platform; worksheets surrounding all things health; and much more.

You deserve joy, peace, and freedom in your health! I look forward to working with you.

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Disclaimer: Health, My Friend is trained as a Nutrition Educator, NASM Nutrition Coach, and Intuitive Eating Coach. They are not a medical professional and do not diagnose or treat clients. The information and help you receive should not be in place of a doctor. 

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